Controlling expenses is an important consideration in the management of any law firm, so it isn't unusual that a firm…
According to a study released in July 2006 by the National Academy of Social Insurance, employer costs for workers' compensation…
In an August 2006 ruling, Connecticut's Supreme Court ruled that the claimant in the case of Michael G. Blakeslee Jr.…
According to a November 2005 article published in the Insurance Journal entitled, "How to Write the Diverse Business of Lawyers…
Joining a workers’ compensation group self-insurance program may be a significant means for small and mid-sized employers to reduce operating costs. Such plans deliver savings by providing employers with considerable control over losses, medical care and rehabilitation, plus improving cash flow.
Sure, you’re a responsible driver. But is your state-minimum, bare bones auto insurance coverage really sufficient to cover your risks?
More and more companies are hiring independent contractors to handle not only administrative matters, such as benefits and human resources, but also sales and distribution. With this delegation of authority to third-party suppliers comes less direct control over these operations, and greater becomes the need for clients to demand that vendors provide them with timely Certificates of Insurance (COI).
When the warm weather arrives, many bike owners dust off their bicycles and hit the road. Whether bike owners plan to participate in competitions or just take a ride around the block with the family, it is important for them to understand the rules of the road. It is also important to be adequately insured.
In the case of United States v. Atlantic Research Corporation, the Supreme Court ruled that potentially responsible parties (PRPs) that voluntarily clean up contaminated sites may sue other PRPs to recover their cleanup costs under section 107 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The reinstatement of this right comes after many years of federal court battles over the issues of authority and methodology for recovering cleanup costs from other PRPs.
In recent years, our society has become what some people call “lawsuit happy.” In other words, an increasing number of people are filing lawsuits for everything from emotional injury to property damage-and they’re suing for larger amounts than ever before. If someone were to file a lawsuit against you, you could end up losing hundreds of thousands of dollars or more, even if you won.